Fun Activities For Dads and Their Toddlers
Looking for a long list of activities for dads and their toddlers? I recently went on paternity leave as Eunice and I welcomed our second child into the world. As a result, I’m super excited to have all this free time on my hands to spend with all my princesses this summer. However, sometimes it’s difficult to know what sort of fun activities dads should do with their toddlers. Can you relate? I’m sure you know that a bored toddler is a fussy and difficult toddler, so it’s good to have an assorted list up your sleeve. These activities don’t need to be complex; they don’t need to take a…
20 Things That Make Me Cry As A Toddler Mom
Motherhood takes you through a whirlwind of emotion. It pulls your heart like nothing else. Happy tears, angry tears, and sad tears – you’ll cry them all. This post is a light-hearted, just-for-fun, laugh-with-me, face-palm-with-me, feel-with-me kind of post. If you’re a mama, I’m sure you can relate. Take a peek at some of the heart-warming moments, ridiculous moments and heartbreaking moments of my day that’ll make me shed a tear or two. Here are 20 things that make me cry as a toddler mom. 1. When my toddler pees in the newly filled bathtub I wonder if it has something to do with the running faucet. My toddler has…
Date Ideas For Couples With Toddlers in Toronto
I STILL love to take Eunice out on regular adventures. Every Saturday we have a perfect window between 9 AM and noon to embark on a lovely date. Of course, Rosie will be third wheeling (or am I the third wheel?) with us, but we wouldn’t want it any other way. Part of the joy of going on dates these days is to witness Rosie experience new things. The double joy is tiring her out so that she is out cold for her afternoon nap! That’s when our REAL date time begins – just kidding. As you can relate, the best dates are now the ones where your children can…
20 Ways Becoming a Father Made Me A Better Person
Fatherhood has been good for me! Over the past 2 years, I have grown in many ways as a man and as a believer. Today I’m sharing some of the ways I’ve changed for the better over this time. Here are 20 ways becoming a father made me a better person. Praise the Lord for dads
Couples Who Live By These Rules Are Bound For Relationship Success
Relationships are the hardest part of life. Love relationships are especially tricky to navigate simply because of the level of intimacy involved. As a relationship evolves from dating to engagement to married life, you might be surprised at the amount of effort it takes to see eye to eye. Although a dating relationship may seem like an endless romance, a good marriage doesn’t just happen. It takes real work to create a rich and lasting lifetime bond. Our four years of marriage may not be long but God has taught us a few things about how to make our relationship work well. Today George and I are sharing a few…