
Hi there! We want to use this blog to serve you. Above all, we want to magnify Christ in all that we do.

That’s why we will never promote or endorse a product to you that we have not used in our own lives.

Furthermore, we will always inform you up front of products where we earn a commission from your purchase. Our commission will come at no extra cost to you.

We want our actions to be conformed to our ultimate authority for faith and practice: the Bible.

Therefore, if you have any concerns about our blog posts, our conduct off/online, our handling of Scripture, or our application of truth, please do not hesitate to send us a message:

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Please be aware that this website is not intended to give professional marriage, parenting, life, or any other advice. We do not take responsibility for any undesirable outcomes that arise from implementing our content. Please consult your pastor, counsellor, or health professional for assistance in these matters.

Yours Truly in Christ,

George & Eunice