
20 Things That Make Me Cry As A Toddler Mom

Motherhood takes you through a whirlwind of emotion. It pulls your heart like nothing else. Happy tears, angry tears, and sad tears – you’ll cry them all. This post is a light-hearted, just-for-fun, laugh-with-me, face-palm-with-me, feel-with-me kind of post. If you’re a mama, I’m sure you can relate. Take a peek at some of the heart-warming moments, ridiculous moments and heartbreaking moments of my day that’ll make me shed a tear or two. Here are 20 things that make me cry as a toddler mom.

1. When my toddler pees in the newly filled bathtub

I wonder if it has something to do with the running faucet. My toddler has a habit of refusing to use the potty before bath time and then pees right when she gets into the tub with a big “uh oh.”

2. When my toddler learns something new

It is absolutely incredible to witness your baby reach milestone after milestone. My heart bursts with pride when my toddler proudly says a new word or shows me how high she stacked her tower.

Learning to climb steps was a lot of fun for us!

3. When my toddler doesn’t eat my slam dunk meal 

There are days when I’ll be super motivated to make a delicious and well-balanced meal for her (usually breakfast). I’ll put my heart and soul into cooking and plating. And she won’t eat a bite.

4. When my toddler is sick 

Fevers. Hand foot & mouth disease. Tummy bugs. It is heartbreaking to see the little one so lethargic and listless instead of her usual cheerful self. I always wish it were me suffering in her place instead.

5. When I’m sick and I need to take care of my toddler 

Thing that make me cry as a toddler mom - being a sick mama

This makes me believe in mom strength – a supernatural physical, mental and emotional strength that overcomes mama’s in their moments of weakness. No matter how sick I am, I keep trekking through my day whereas I’d normally be curled up in fetal position. It still sucks though.

6. When I get my toddler ready for bed

One of my favourite moments with my little one is right before she sleeps (and not just because I’ll get some alone time). We’ll cuddle. We’ll sing. She’ll want to be rocked and swayed. It’s moments like these that I’ll cherish forever.

7. When my toddler won’t stop scratching

My little one’s eczema problem has been on-going since birth. It’s honestly been a mentally exhausting ride for me. On bad days, she’ll have me fuming (on the inside) and shedding very angry tears at life.

8. When my toddler gets hurt

There’s something heart-wrenching about hearing your own little one wail when they get hurt. Even if you know it’s not a serious injury, it pulls your heartstrings and makes you want to cry with them.

9. When my toddler eats something gross like bunny poop

Yes, she’s done it twice. I seriously freaked out the first time. but after googling as a crazy mother would, I realized it’s not the end of the world. Apparently, kids have eaten way grosser things.

10. When my toddler can’t contain her excitement

Toddler joy is contagious. They don’t down-play their excitement. My little one will laugh and squeal. She’ll bounce, dance and clap. She reminds me to find joy and humour in the little things of life.

11. When my toddler gets blueberry stains on her white pants

Those white pants have a real affinity to mess. Any other colour will keep but her white pants have never lasted more than an hour. But since she looks so cute in them, I’m determined to keep them around. Trouble getting stains off white clothing? I’ve found Oxyclean Baby to work wonders!

12. When my toddler goes through sleep regression

Things that make me cry as a toddler mom - sleep regression

As much as I am head over heels in love with my little one, I look forward to the few hours of break I have when she goes to sleep. It honestly feels like the end of the world when her nap time gets shorter and shorter as she matures. Going through this sometimes leaves very bitter feelings.

13. When I need to leave my toddler

I admit I am an attached mama. I don’t get tired of her. Yes, I am that person who my husband has to drag out the door for a date night. Yes, when I’m away from her, all I do is think about her.

14. When my toddler needs to hang out with me in the washroom (even when daddy is home)

dad versus mom in the bathroom

Privacy is not an option when you have littles. Sometimes I feel bad for my little one – who wants to be in the bathroom with someone doing business. Rosie does if it’s mommy sitting on the toilet.

15. When my toddler wants to do things herself

My little one is always looking for ways to become more independent. She’ll swat my hand away from helping her hold her bowl. She’ll insist on trying to put on her shirt by herself. Why do they want to grow up so fast?

16. When my toddler is sleeping

No matter how much she has me pulling out my hair when she’s awake, she is the perfect angel when she is fast asleep.  I could stare forever.

17. When my toddler says “bye” to try to get rid of me

My little one loves making her rounds to get her good-byes in before she leaves a place. She also says it when she wants to get rid of someone. Rosie has grown too comfortable saying bye to me lately (especially when she doesn’t want to listen).

18. When my toddler holds my face with her sticky palms and kisses me

things that make me cry as a toddler mom - kisses

My little one has got me wrapped around her little finger. So it doesn’t matter how sticky or stinky her hands and mouth are. I will take all the hugs and kisses I can get.

19. When my toddler tries to kiss me but head-butts me instead

That little skull is HARD. And her pain tolerance is slightly higher than mine. So when we collide, I think I’m always the one who takes the beating.

20. When I imagine my toddler growing up and becoming an older sister  

Time flies by way too quickly when you have children. The days are long but the years are short. It’s easy to get lost in the daily grind but when I get some perspective every once in a while, I am always wondering, “where did my baby go?”

These are 20 things that make me cry as a toddler mom. How about you? Do you or have you had toddlers before? What sort of things make you cry as a parent of toddlers?