Righteous in Christ – My Spiritual Breakthrough

I am righteous in Christ.
This is a truth I do not hesitate to affirm. I stand in a lineage of Christians who believed the same, even to the point of death. But did I really know what that statement meant experientially? Did I interpret my life according to this affirmation? The Lord has in recent weeks challenged me with these questions and graciously provided the correct answer from his word. Let me explain:
My Past Problem
I’ve always had great difficulty grasping God’s grace. I knew that God made me righteous through his unearned love, but I always felt in some way in my heart that his love for me was contingent upon my performance. It seemed like regardless of how much I thanked God for his grace or praised him for securing my salvation, my Christian experience was that of living to earn God’s acceptance.
I had this standard of what a Christian should be in my head and I pursued it. On the weeks where I was obedient and faithful, I would be happy. On the weeks where I wasn’t, I was guilt-ridden, miserable, and disappointed. I was self-righteous and also self-condemning. There was little experience of the kind of “rest from works” (Hebrews 4:10) the Bible talks of when God has made peace with a sinner.
The Chapter That Changed Me
However, in the past couple weeks, God met me in an astonishing way in Philippians chapter 3. At the start of the chapter, Paul describes the characteristics of a Christian and contrasts them with the characteristics of a false teacher. He says:
“Watch out for the dogs, those evildoers, those mutilators of the flesh. For it is we who are the circumcision, we who serve God by his Spirit, who boast in Christ Jesus, and who put no confidence in the flesh”
Philippians 3:2-3
Paul says a Christian is one who “puts no confidence in the flesh”. What does it mean to “put no confidence in the flesh”? He gives us that answer in the next sentence (3:4) when he states that it means trusting in our ancestry, accomplishments, or attitudes for our acceptance before God. He used to trust in these things, but not anymore.
Instead, Paul goes on to explain that he threw all that self-righteousness away so that he could gain Christ (ie. know him, possess him, follow him, and be united to him). He desired righteousness that only comes from faith in Christ, not from his own doing. Through his own testimony, he teaches us that a Christian is one who is circumcised in the heart, serves God in the Spirit, boasts only in Christ for his righteousness, and puts no confidence in works.

Transformed By The Renewing Of My Mind
No verse ever hit me so hard on a fundamental level. It forced me to ask myself where I received my joy, hope, and peace. Was it from my performance? Or was it from the snug assurance of my legal adoption as God’s child? When I am miserable from a bad week of shortcomings, do I find my hope in “trying harder” or resting in Christ’s victoriously completed work? If I were honest with my heart, at that point, my comfort was in my ability to meet a fictitious standard that I set for myself (that inevitably was much lower than God’s – self-righteous people do that). So though I affirmed justification by faith alone, my spiritual experience was very legalistic. However, God illuminated the beauty of what grace and peace before him really meant in light of the gospel. Through this bright understanding, how I live my life has also changed.
My Way Ahead
As I read on in Philippians chapter 3, I was doubly astounded by Paul’s response to receiving righteousness in Christ, a righteousness that was not by works, but by faith. Paul’s response was to “strain toward what is ahead, on toward the goal” (3:13-14). His attitude was not spiritual lethargy, but unrelenting pursuit of more Christ! I found in these verses a perfectly balanced religion: rock-solid confidence in a savior and a joyful responsibility to personal holiness. I stand on Christ in all my victories and all my failures. I have no confidence in works. Instead, I strain toward practical righteousness with ecstatic joy. I believe that is how God wants us to live. At last, I know this rest of the soul.
Having a proper understanding of grace and effort has given me a fresh desire to pursue purity in all areas of my life. There is more power from the Spirit in killing daily sin. I am generous in loving my wife and daughter as God has been generous in loving me. To God be the glory!

Debbie Kitterman
George & Eunice – yes and amen! You have written such powerful truths here. I love the revelation God is giving you as you read His Word. Renewing our mind is such a powerful weapon against the enemy – especially when we are renewing it on the very Word of God! We are neighbors today at a few linkups. Thanks for sharing.
PS.. if you are looking for another place to link to on Thursday’s I would love if you would consider joining my linkup #TuneInThursday – it opens Thursday 3am PST and runs through Sunday night. you can find it at debbiekitterman.com/blog (Please feel free to delete the link if you think it inappropriate).
Rebecca Jones
Circumcised heart, what good thought. And being righteous surely doesn’t depend on us.
Deb Wolf
His grace truly overwhelms me. I spent waaay too many years striving to be “good.” I’m so thankful to finally understand that my best efforts are only to be a response to His amazing grace. Thank you, George and Eunice. Beautiful post!