20 Ways Becoming a Father Made Me A Better Person

Fatherhood has been good for me! Over the past 2 years, I have grown in many ways as a man and as a believer. Today I’m sharing some of the ways I’ve changed for the better over this time. Here are 20 ways becoming a father made me a better person. Praise the Lord for dads
#1. I am more tender-hearted
I’m all about hugs, kisses, and cuddling now. I “aww” at cute things. And I’ve also learned to empathize more with my wife.
#2. I waste less time
Time is so precious to me now as a dad. I’ve learned to spend it wisely. Family time is a priority and I try to get everything done during off-hours. Laziness is not an option!

#3. I’m more grateful for my own parents
I see now all the time, energy, and love my parents have given to raise me from birth. I appreciate them so much more now that I am going through that with my daughter.
#4. I rely on God more
Becoming a father immediately opened my eyes to the fact that I am incapable of being everything for my child. But God is, so I’ll point my child to Him, and trust Him to lead her.
#5. I’m praying more than ever before
Knowing I am limited, I’m putting more energy into prayer. I’m praying for protection for my family and wisdom to lead them.

#6. I love life x1000
When you hold the life of someone in your hands, you begin to see just how precious and miraculous it really is. It’s an amazing gift of God.
#7. My future revolves around family
My world is no longer about me, but “we”. The future I want now is what is best for my wife and my children – that’s become what’s best for me 🙂
#8. I’m more childish
Fatherhood has awakened in me the inner child that went to sleep for a couple of years. Now I’m so down to do whatever silly thing it takes to make my daughter laugh!
#9. I want to be a protector
Now I know I can’t protect my daughter forever, but I can at least try! I’ve grown in realizing my responsibility to protect my children from outsiders and from themselves.
#10. I’ve grown more humble
I now know (more than before) that I’m unworthy to take on such an honourable calling to be a father. Lord give me mercy, strength, and wisdom.

#11. I’m more responsible
Finances, chores, safety and stability have taken on new meanings for me. These things have changed from good-to-haves to vital for my family’s well-being.
#12. I’m tougher
Having so many people that I care for has strengthened me emotionally. I’ve grown accustomed to labouring hard at work and at home for their sake.
#13. I love kids more
Not only do I notice children now, but I get excited by them. They are so much fun and the things they say are hilarious and sometimes profound.

#14. I value sleep more – even though I still don’t get enough
As a parent, if you don’t get the proper sleep the night before, the next day is painful. That’s why I’ve grown to value my beauty rest so much more now.
#15. I’m more driven
Being a father has given me so much more ambition to succeed in my spiritual life, my marriage, and my career. It’s given me a fresh purpose to strive for.
#16. I’m more sensitive to injustice
Every injustice I now imagine “if that were my child…”. Then I’m filled with anger for the culprit and compassion for the victim. That’s one step closer to doing something about it.

#17. My world is exciting again
Being able to see the world through the new eyes of my daughter has revived the sense of wonder at God’s creation. Bubbles, shadows, and water are fascinating!
#18. I appreciate my wife so much more
Like I’ve said before, my wife is my biggest hero. And as she mothers Rosie, I am continually impressed by her character. She’s amazing!
#19. I’ve relearned lessons I’ve forgotten
Lessons like: share with others, finish your food, everybody clean-up, say please and thank-you, and wait your turn.

#20. I’m really thankful
Fatherhood is an amazing experience. I am so thankful these days for all the joys, all the new challenges, and all the priceless memories it brings.
So there are the 20 ways becoming a father made me a better person. I trust that you have also seen this change in your own life or your husband’s life. Would you add any to the list? Let us know below!