Looking Back On 2018
Looking back on 2018, Eunice and I have walked through an exciting year of our lives together. As we reflect on 2018 in this last month, we survived many new challenges and grew our faith in God. Here are some highlights we want to share with you:
We Started a Blog
2018 started with an exciting family project: a family blog. Eunice and I felt that we were both passionate about documenting our marriage, parenting, and faith adventures for others to benefit from. On top of that Eunice started her Instagram account after taking some surprisingly beautiful pictures (mostly of Rosie) with her phone. It’s been quite exciting! We have to admit after a couple months, it felt like we were stuck on a treadmill. However, we’ve had a lot of fun sharing our experiences and we’ve received such positive feedback from our readers. We even made a few bucks, which was a pleasant reward! (Remember our first post? Also this post was our most popular this year!)
We Went on a Fun Vacation
We lived 7 days of island-life at VH Gran Ventana Beach Resort in the Dominican Republic in May of this year. This vacation was special because it was the second time getting on a plane with Eunice since we got married and we were bringing 8 month old Rosie too! The resort was exactly as we dreamed: calm beaches, great food, sunny weather, air conditioning and WIFI. Just the fact that we could escape cooking, dishes, and cleaning was a MASSIVE vacation for Eunice and I. Rosie also had the time of her life; she got to experience swimming in the ocean and sand in her mouth.

We Took a Big Step Towards Our Future
Another memorable milestone was that I (George) went to seminary! I’m currently attending Heritage Theological Seminary in Cambridge, ON for an M. Div degree – part time. My first class was Church History I with Dr. Haykin. It was a difficult class, but it was life transforming. Attending seminary has been a personal goal for a long time; we decided to take the plunge after a burden to pursue pastoral training more seriously, much prayer, and guidance from godly. One down – thirty more to go!
We Saw Rosie Become a Toddler
Rosie has made giant leaps this year as she transitions from baby to toddler. (FYI this helped with the transition) Every day she is astounding mommy and daddy more and more! She’s walking after doing hundreds of squats. Also, she’s definitely become quite the social butterfly wherever she goes: church, Early-On centres, or parties where she knows nobody. She’s also shown us her love of reading books…while on the potty. Rosie is now in the phase where she is always trying to communicate with us; it’s amazing to see how much she understands and how much she wants to say. We wrote her a letter on her first birthday, but we can’t wait for year #2!
We Grew Closer in Our Marriage
Eunice and I are 3 years married and this year has been a time of learning and growth towards greater unity. We’ve seen new sides of each other; Eunice has been blossoming into a capable mother and I’ve just grown in weight. Through the difficulties of parenthood, blogging, serving at church, and daily life, we’ve learned to trust, complement, and depend on each other more. Plus, we’ve grown deeper in appreciation for each other’s gifts. Eunice is a great nurturer to everyone around her and I’m the early morning shift. It’s been awesome to work as a team.

The last milestone we’d like to announce is a new addition to the family next year!! Eunice and I have been praying to expand our budding little family. God is good and Eunice and I are beyond excited; we’ve already been reevaluating our name choices and fantasizing about who the baby will be. Please keep us in your prayers, especially Eunice, as she goes through a nauseating time. More details to come so stay tuned!
So that’s looking back on 2018 in a nutshell. This year has been a gift from God and we are thankful for His provision in every single day we lived through. How was your 2018? What were some of the highlights? Let us know below!
Happy New Year and God’s blessing in 2019!!!