• Poopy Diaper Dad

    Diaries of a Poopy Diaper Dad

    “I am not touching that,” says my wife, thinking she will melt like a witch meeting water if she were to touch poop. As a good husband, I was willing to remove the radioactive threat from my wife’s presence. Her loss is my gain. I went on to become the poopy diaper dad of the house. These are my stories.

  • things I learned after becoming a dad

    5 Things I Learned After Becoming A Dad

    Learning new things is an inevitable part of fatherhood. Over the past 6 months, I have experienced so much that I want to share with you. I hope this will teach you, encourage you, and give you a snapshot into parenthood. Here are the 5 most prominent things I learned after becoming a dad:

  • Becoming A Father

    Becoming A Father – Reflections Of A New Dad

    Becoming a father has caused me to reflect on what this new role means and the ripple effect this has on my world and the future. In doing so, the Lord has brought me to this verse from Job 1:21: “The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, blessed be the name of the Lord”