How To Be The Best Stay-At-Home Mom You Can Possibly Be
The stay-at-home mom life is no joke. It’s not for the faint of heart. It’s not a ticket to the easy life. Choosing to stay at home takes real brains, guts, and serious self-discipline. Today I’m sharing my top seven secrets on how to be the best stay-at-home mom you can be. George and I planned early in our marriage that I would stay home after having kids. We believe that this kingdom work of double disciple-making is invaluable. We believe that it is the best decision for our children, for me, and for George. God has graced me with a few advantages that made the transition from working wife…
Top 18 Activities For Your 18-Month-Old Toddler
My 18-month-old toddler Rosie is developing into quite the little character. She is a perfect princess when she is preoccupied but she can be such a menace when she is “bored”. Aside from our mornings out, I try to have at least one engaging activity for her to do at home in the afternoon. Today I’m sharing her top 18 activities for your 18-month-old toddler to enjoy too!
Hacks to Heighten Your Personal Devotions
Over the years of doing personal devotions day in and day out, I’ve tried an array of strategies or rituals in order to keep it fresh and build enthusiasm in my time with the Lord. Sometimes the slightest change in your routine can make a massive impact. I’ve compiled some of the best hacks I have found in my almost decade-long pursuit of daily Bible reading. Here is my master list of the best hacks to heighten your personal devotions.
6 Important Things To Do In Your First Year Of Marriage
The first year after the wedding is a special time for your marriage. You have the spirit of optimism and infatuation on your side so be sure to use that to your advantage! How you live will start to set the tone and the habits that will characterize your relationship for years to come. So spend some time thinking about what is most important to you. We tried to orient our lifestyle towards spending the most amount of time together. Check out these key things to do in your first year of marriage. Before we get there, I just want to point out that even the Bible advises setting apart…
Tested and Tried: Personal Devotions Methods that Work
When we read the Bible, our aim is to understand what it says and how it applies to our lives. There are various methods of personal devotions you can employ that will encourage this. In this post, I’ll describe the tested and tried personal devotions methods that have worked in drawing me closer to God and getting me deeper in his word. Two Key Elements in your Personal Devotions There are no strict rules as to how you go about personal devotions, but there are some key elements that should be involved. The two key elements to include in your personal devotions is Bible reading and prayer. Bible Reading: I…