• relationship advice from bible
    Soul Food

    Relationship Advice from Colossians 3:18-25

    Let’s draw some relationship advice from Colossians 3:18-25. Human relationships are some of the most difficult aspects of daily life we face. No matter who you are, you are connected to a vast web of people, such as parents, spouses, in-laws, children, employers, friends, and relatives that you interact with regularly. Moreover, no matter who you are, you are also marred by the effects of the fall, and these effects are inevitably revealed in your interactions with other people.  This passage draws three key truths that you need to know, in order to build godly relationships with the people around you. I learned these truths through a wonderful sermon my pastor,…

  • Toys for Newborn Babies

    Best Toys for Newborn Babies

    We want to share our favourite toys for newborn babies. Can you believe that Rosie has played with “toys” since she was a newborn? As a new parent, it was difficult for me to envision what “toys” a baby could play with. After all, all they do is eat, poop and sleep. I was surprised to find that she was a lot more attentive and playful than we expected. Babies need and benefit from mental stimulation at young age. They can’t grab and they can’t see much but at an early age they are drawn to high contrast visuals and different sounds. Fast forward to 3 months and she is…

  • tips for family worship
    Soul Food

    Tips For Family Worship

    “I am implementing this STAT” is one of the responses I’ve gotten since posting last week’s article on family worship. Since that time, I’ve been so thrilled that my article made such an impact, even in the life of one person, that I had to write this follow-up list of tips for family worship. I wholeheartedly desire that you start leading, or asking your husband to lead, this family spiritual discipline. You won’t regret it and your future children will thank you. So here are some crucial tips you need to know to establish this practice in your family life and teach your family the Bible.

  • family worship
    Soul Food

    Dear Christian Family, Are You Doing Family Worship?

    I want to introduce you to a practice that has changed my life and my family’s life. This spiritual discipline has changed our lives because it has helped us read more Bible, thereby understanding and living out more Bible. It has also helped us to love God and people more. It’s called family worship (or family devotions). Let me tell you about more about it.