5 Quotes That Will Change Your Marriage

As we married people go through the mundane everyday rigmarole, life has a way of making us comfortable. We stop trying to strengthen our relationship with our spouses and unknowingly allow apathy to settle in. Let’s kick our passivity to the curb and renew the love in our marriages! Here are 5 quotes that will change your marriage and refocus your attention on some important pursuits needed for a healthy relationship.
Marriage Quote #1:
As you gave the ring to one another and have now received it a second time from the hand of the pastor, so love comes from you, but marriage from above, from God. As high as God is above man, so high are the sanctity, the rights, and the promise of love. It is not your love that sustains the marriage, but from now on, the marriage that sustains your love.
Dietrich BonHoeffer
This quote is so beautiful, especially the last sentence. Marriage is a promise to love the other person no matter what (in sickness and in health right?). Know that you have committed to loving your spouse regardless of their weird quirks, surprising flaws, and past mistakes. If you find it hard to do that sometimes, look back to the vows you made before God and protect them.
Marriage Quote #2:
It is incumbent upon husband and wife to help the growth of grace in each other, as by a frequent conferring together of good things, especially of what they hear in the public ministry of the word, so likewise in constant performing of family duties, especially prayer.
Thomas Gouge, son of William Gouge
Encouraging each other to spiritual growth is a vital part of a vibrant relationship. Not only are you husband and wife, but you are also brother and sister in Christ. Attending church together, serving together, family worship, prayer, sharing burdens, and being available are all ways that you can strengthen each other in the Lord.
Marriage Quote #3:
Your marriage won’t change because you won’t change.
Paul David Tripp
A powerful statement bound to hit you in the face and make you think. Could it be that the source of my marital struggles is me? That’s a question we all need to ask ourselves. Often times, through not always, it is stubbornness and pride that holds a marriage back from blossoming into the flower it could be. However, when we are willing to humbly change, it opens the floodgates of blessing and real progress.
Marriage Quote #4:
There is no more lovely, friendly or charming relationship, communion or company, than a good marriage.
Martin Luther
Master Martin says it so well. If a good woman is worth more than rubies, then a good marriage is worth more than all the crown jewels. It brings the best rewards over any other human relationship, because in it you receive a faithful companion who will share in all the graces of life. Fostering this kind of relationship is not easy and takes work, but trust God that it is worth it.
Marriage Quote #5:
This is the beginning of how husbands and wives forbear and forgive. They are blown away by being chosen, set apart, and loved by God. Husbands, devote yourselves to seeing and savoring this. Wives, do the same. Get your life from this. Get your joy from this. Get your hope from this—that you are chosen, set apart, and loved by God. Plead with the Lord that this would be the heartbeat of your life and your marriage.
John Piper
The base of a great marriage is God. Only when you grasp and cling to the amazing work of Christ in the gospel, can you fully know and be empowered to love your spouse. This love is capable of doing two things: forgiving and forbearing. These are so needed because in a fallen marriage, you will get hurt and your spouse won’t like your strange quirks. But the love of God helps you forgive those sins and forbear the rest.
So there are 5 quotes that will change your marriage from some of my most loved pastors and theologians. They have encouraged and taught me in many ways to strengthen my marriage. What are some awesome quotes you want to share? Let us know below!