• A Day In the Life of a Stay-at-Home Mom

    A Day In the Life Of A Stay-At-Home Mom (Part 1)

    Do you wonder what a day in the life of a stay-at-home mom is like? The house is not always tidy and I do not always have free time to spare. I do not watch tv dramas or gossip with my other stay-at-home mama’s over the phone (although I may binge-scroll on social media). My day is usually a mundane routine that is filled with food battles, nap tantrums, never ending chores and errands, little victories and big joys.  

  • transitioning from baby to toddler

    Helping Your Little One Transition From Baby to Toddler

    As parents, part of us wants to keep our babies small forever. I’m sure feeling this way since Rosie is turning one year old in less than a month. As exciting as it is watching them grow and develop into little people, we yearn for that newborn smell, the feel of them in our arms and how much they need us. However time doesn’t stand still, and in no time at all our tiny babies are up and about, walking, talking and amazing us with the things that they do. Here’s how you can keep up in helping your little one transition from baby to toddler.