• Toys for Newborn Babies

    Best Toys for Newborn Babies

    We want to share our favourite toys for newborn babies. Can you believe that Rosie has played with “toys” since she was a newborn? As a new parent, it was difficult for me to envision what “toys” a baby could play with. After all, all they do is eat, poop and sleep. I was surprised to find that she was a lot more attentive and playful than we expected. Babies need and benefit from mental stimulation at young age. They can’t grab and they can’t see much but at an early age they are drawn to high contrast visuals and different sounds. Fast forward to 3 months and she is…

  • eczema free baby with these five steps

    5 Must-Dos For An Eczema Free Baby

    Every new mom anticipates her baby to have perfect fair and silky skin – an eczema free baby. That’s what I expected too, but I was disappointed to learn that managing Rosie’s skincare would be one of my biggest motherhood nuisances thus far. I’ve learned that eczema is actually a common skin concern for babies. Rosie started her first two months of life with the expected perfect baby skin. Things took a turn as the weather cooled. The eczema appeared first on her face and scalp. Her hands, elbow creases, and behind the knees were also vulnerable spots. The dry patches would flare an angry red every so often. The…