• 6 emotions of an nicu mom

    Life in the NICU – Six Emotions of an NICU Mom

    Life in the NICU is an emotional rollercoaster for all parents. “You are handling everything so well” – is what everyone would say to me. Was I? Maybe, maybe not. I’m still not sure. This post is difficult for me to write. *This is PART 3 in our series recounting Rosie’s birth story (check out PART 1, and PART 2).

  • My Birth Story – Placenta Previa & My Emergency C-Section

    My Birth Story – Placenta Previa & My Emergency C-Section

    Rosie was born at 32 weeks (+3 days) on August 23, 2017. At 32 weeks, I just started the third trimester. On the Tuesday, I woke up at 6AM to pee and noticed tinges of blood in the toilet. “Not again,” I thought. I had been diagnosed with placenta previa which meant any bleeding was potentially dangerous. This is my birth story – placenta previa & my emergency c-section: