3 Reasons Why I Almost Quit Breastfeeding
I admit I seriously thought about quitting breastfeeding early on in the game. Other than the fact that it was un-intuitive, awkward and a serious learning curve, there are 3 reasons why I almost quit breastfeeding.
Postpartum Life: 5 Things I Did Not Expect
Postpartum life is different. After you get your body back to yourself, you expect some generic symptoms like feeling fatigued. I want to share with you a couple of UN-expected aspects of postpartum life that I experienced. Take a read!
A Preemie Mom’s Breastfeeding Experience
It’s about time I share about this preemie mom’s breastfeeding experience. After 9 months, breastfeeding has become a lovely second-nature sort of task for me. I believe in all the well-known benefits such as nourishment, increased bonding and convenience. Moreso, there is something magical about a mother being able to give life, and then continue to sustain and grow her baby’s life through her milk. I’ve only recently begun to appreciate the strength and capability of my body. Praise God for His perfect design. Although I now find it therapeutic, it was initially a daunting task that required perseverance. Here is a preemie mom’s breastfeeding experience.
Life in the NICU – Six Emotions of an NICU Mom
Life in the NICU is an emotional rollercoaster for all parents. “You are handling everything so well” – is what everyone would say to me. Was I? Maybe, maybe not. I’m still not sure. This post is difficult for me to write. *This is PART 3 in our series recounting Rosie’s birth story (check out PART 1, and PART 2).
My Birth Story – Placenta Previa & My Emergency C-Section
Rosie was born at 32 weeks (+3 days) on August 23, 2017. At 32 weeks, I just started the third trimester. On the Tuesday, I woke up at 6AM to pee and noticed tinges of blood in the toilet. “Not again,” I thought. I had been diagnosed with placenta previa which meant any bleeding was potentially dangerous. This is my birth story – placenta previa & my emergency c-section: