• how to be the best stay at home mom

    How To Be The Best Stay-At-Home Mom You Can Possibly Be

    The stay-at-home mom life is no joke. It’s not for the faint of heart. It’s not a ticket to the easy life. Choosing to stay at home takes real brains, guts, and serious self-discipline. Today I’m sharing my top seven secrets on how to be the best stay-at-home mom you can be. George and I planned early in our marriage that I would stay home after having kids. We believe that this kingdom work of double disciple-making is invaluable. We believe that it is the best decision for our children, for me, and for George. God has graced me with a few advantages that made the transition from working wife…

  • A Day In The Life Of A Stay At Home Mom

    A Day In The Life Of A Stay At Home Mom (Part 3)

    My long overdue PART 3 post is finally here. I apologize that it’s taken me a while to finish this series but I think that’s just another attestation of motherhood and family life. We had a hectic December and also took a much needed break from blogging. Then with other delays, distractions and unpredictable timelines, here we are with my A Day In the Life of a Stay at Home Mom Part 3 post two months later.

  • A Day In the Life of a Stay-at-Home Mom

    A Day In the Life Of A Stay-At-Home Mom (Part 1)

    Do you wonder what a day in the life of a stay-at-home mom is like? The house is not always tidy and I do not always have free time to spare. I do not watch tv dramas or gossip with my other stay-at-home mama’s over the phone (although I may binge-scroll on social media). My day is usually a mundane routine that is filled with food battles, nap tantrums, never ending chores and errands, little victories and big joys.