• eczema free baby with these five steps

    5 Must-Dos For An Eczema Free Baby

    Every new mom anticipates her baby to have perfect fair and silky skin – an eczema free baby. That’s what I expected too, but I was disappointed to learn that managing Rosie’s skincare would be one of my biggest motherhood nuisances thus far. I’ve learned that eczema is actually a common skin concern for babies. Rosie started her first two months of life with the expected perfect baby skin. Things took a turn as the weather cooled. The eczema appeared first on her face and scalp. Her hands, elbow creases, and behind the knees were also vulnerable spots. The dry patches would flare an angry red every so often. The…

  • breastfeeding a preemie baby

    A Preemie Mom’s Breastfeeding Experience

    It’s about time I share about this preemie mom’s breastfeeding experience. After 9 months, breastfeeding has become a lovely second-nature sort of task for me. I believe in all the well-known benefits such as nourishment, increased bonding and convenience. Moreso, there is something magical about a mother being able to give life, and then continue to sustain and grow her baby’s life through her milk. I’ve only recently begun to appreciate the strength and capability of my body. Praise God for His perfect design. Although I now find it therapeutic, it was initially a daunting task that required perseverance. Here is a preemie mom’s breastfeeding experience.

  • my preemie's journey in the nicu - meeting milestones

    Life in the NICU – Meeting First Milestones

    To wrap up our series, I’m highlighting a few of Rosie’s celebratory first milestones in the NICU. Rosie was born 8 weeks premature at 32 weeks. The NICU journey is all about meeting milestones. To graduate from the NICU at North York General, Rosie had to meet three requirements: A minimum weight of 1800g Be medically stable Feed orally through the breast and/or bottle. Along with these, Rosie met many other milestones along the way. Take a look at a few of Rosie’s “firsts” in the NICU. *This is PART 5 in our series recounting Rosie’s birth story (check out PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, and PART 4).