Tackle These 5 Things in Your Second Trimester
As my second trimester comes to a close in a few short weeks, I’m sharing with you these lovely tasks that I accomplished (booyah!). Tackle these 5 things in your second trimester and feel amazing as you head into the third:
But first here’s a snapshot of how these past few weeks have been.
So far, Baby 2, you are so predictable. My experience has been almost identical to my first pregnancy. And that means this second trimester has been aaaaamazing!
The second trimester is my all time favourite season of LIFE.
I am not exaggerating. It must be something to do with the hormones. I feel on top of the world. I am energetic. I am excited. I feel beautiful and sexy. I have never felt better about myself.
There’s also something surreal about feeling the little peanut’s flutters and twirls in your belly. They quickly develop into prominent kicks (but if you’re lucky, they don’t get too hard until the third trimester). You’re reminded that there is indeed a real LIFE developing in you. And you learn that this little life definitely has a mind of his or her own. One day, baby will sit low in your abdomen; the other day baby is trying to kick you in the ribs. One day baby’s awfully quiet; the next, he or she doesn’t give you a break!

My favourite thing is to share these experiences with the rest of the family. I love when peanut decides to kick daddy in the face when he presses against my belly. It’s also a common occurrence for Rosie to get kicked in the back when she’s sitting on my lap – some sibling rivalry already!
But it’s not all rainbows and butterflies, there are a few crummy (but typical) pregnancy symptoms I’ve been experiencing:
- constipation,
- heartburn,
- dizziness,
- congestion,
- insomnia,
- and back pain at the end of the trimester (aka right now).
I didn’t get too far into the third trimester with my first pregnancy so I don’t have a whole lot to say about it. But I know what most women experience and I’m not too thrilled to go through 12 more weeks before I get to meet the baby girl!
So make sure you don’t take your second trimester for granted! Cherish it. Enjoy it. And make sure you tackle these 5 things in tour second trimester!
#1: Maternity Clothes
Your belly has popped and you definitely don’t fit into your normal clothes. Use this as an excuse to shop! Thyme Maternity is my go-to although Old Navy and Gap have been helpful as well. Buy a few clothes at a time – you never know how fast or slow your body will change. Might as well pick up some nursing attire too – I love wearing nursing bras and loose nursing tunics any time.
#2: Treat Yourself to Some Extra Self-Care
I don’t think I really learned to be intentional with self-care until I became a mom. I never realized how easy it is to overlook your own health and well-being. I love that my hubby sets up bathes for me and I’ve developed a little guilty pleasure of getting my nails done. It’s nice to doll up once in a while, so take time to do it! Keep in mind your hair is gorgeous around this time so if you’re into it, show it off or try some new hairstyles.
#3: Show Some Extra Love To Your Loved Ones
You’ve been grouchy all through the first trimester. You’ll probably be exhausted throughout the third. take the second trimester to show some appreciation for your family. I’ve tried to be extra proactive about doing the chores since that’s something the hubby really appreciates. I’m being really intentional with spending quality time with Rosie every day and giving her a lot of new experiences. Naturally, a newborn will take most of your time so make use of now to show extra love to your family.

#4: Prep For The Baby
Your nesting instinct must have kicked in already so enjoy preparing your baby’s space. Stock up on things that she will need. With another girl on the way, I lucked out since there is not too much to prepare for. But during the first pregnancy, George and I had fun painting, decorating and setting up her room. Also prep by learning more about pregnancy, birth and life with a newborn. Read a pregnancy book (and get your husband to join); my go to is always “What to expect when you’re expecting”, or take a birth class if that’s for you. Get most of your prep done because the baby will come in no time!
#5: Go On Adventures!
Go on adventures in whatever form that works for you. Go on a road trip. Take a plane. Even have a staycation. Do something simply because you CAN. Things do get a lot more complicated with a newborn baby so make use of the time you have now! With your second trimester energy, people love to go on “babymoons”. Honestly, I regret not going on one with our first pregnancy. The hubby promised me some sort of getaway this time around so we’ll see where we end up! For now, our weekends are always jam-packed with fun outings as a family of three. What are you waiting for? Get planning!
So tackle these 5 things in your second trimester with all that extra energy and spunk. I had such a joyful time doing these things. I hope you do too! Almost there mama! What sort of stuff do you like to do in the 2nd trimester? Let us know below!
Also, here’s my post on how I survived the nauseating 1st trimester I had (even with a toddler!), and my hubby’s perspective too!