Helping Your Little One Transition From Baby to Toddler

As parents, part of us wants to keep our babies small forever. I’m sure feeling this way since Rosie is turning one year old in less than a month. As exciting as it is watching them grow and develop into little people, we yearn for that newborn smell, the feel of them in our arms and how much they need us. However time doesn’t stand still, and in no time at all our tiny babies are up and about, walking, talking and amazing us with the things that they do. Here’s how you can keep up in helping your little one transition from baby to toddler.
Update Their Bedroom
As your little one grows, the nursery that you created for them will probably no longer be a fit. To help the transition from baby to toddler, get rid of their crib and update it with a bed – you can buy toddler beds which are the right size and low to the ground to prevent them falling out and hurting themselves. You will need to get rid of their changing table, the chair you used to sit and feed them and may replace them for things like toy storage.
You could decorate your toddler’s room based on a theme, however it’s important to remember that their interests shift quickly so chances are you’ll need to redecorate again not too far down the line. A good tip is to keep the decor simple – neutral or light pastel coloured walls will make the most of the space helping it to look bright and airy. Then add accessories such as wall art and other decorations; that way these things can be replaced as they grow but you won’t need to strip off wallpaper or completely repaint every few months. Make their bedroom a place where they can learn, play and have fun. Arrange the layout so there is space to sit and play with toys on the floor.
It would be cute if you have room for a little desk where they can do quiet tasks like colouring. Consider storage solutions that will help them to put things away, and also to teach them responsibility. For example, baskets or boxes with a picture of the item that goes inside on the front are effective. Print out an image of a book for a book box, socks for sock storage, a doll to show where their dolls go. Then tidying up becomes something of a game.
Try Them With New Foods
Kids can be picky eaters! One moment Rosie would adore a certain food before adamantly refusing it the next day. I’m sure every parent has experienced this at one time or another. However, it’s important that we keep trying to introduce lots of new foods early in life; this can help them to develop a liking to the right things. You want to be getting as many fruits and vegetables into their diets as possible. If they refuse to eat things outright then try a different way. For example, if they refuse to eat fruit then blend it up into a smoothie with some water and yogurt for a sweet tasting drink. Finely dice vegetables and mix them with ground meat which can be used as a base for all kinds of pasta dishes, most won’t even realize what’s in there.
Once you’ve found a way to get the good stuff in, continue trying them with lots of healthy foods until they find ones they like. Don’t give up. Just because they refuse something once doesn’t mean they will if you try again in a few weeks. Have a big basket of fruit available and let your children snack on this as they get hungry. Instead of buying junk food as treats, simply don’t buy it. When it’s not there and they’re not aware of it, they won’t develop cravings for it. Work on developing a healthy attitude for food with your child as these will pave the way for their eating habits later on. Don’t take the easy route out!
Encourage Socialization
When your child is young, they have everything they need right under one roof. A strong attachment to their caregivers is essential, and that’s all they will want and need. However, as children grow older, it’s so important to start encouraging socialization to others. Not only will this prepare them for the future, but it can teach them so many lessons too. Things like how to share and play nicely with their peers, what’s acceptable and unacceptable in a social setting, how to empathize with others and how to communicate effectively are all crucial skills.
Children who aren’t used to being around others can become shy and awkward; this can potentially inhibit them later on when they need to mingle with others. Encourage your loved ones to visit you, and you visit them and their families with your child. Arrange playdates, take them to the park where they can interact with other kids. If you work and need to use babysitters or a daycare, don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s actually a fantastic opportunity for your child to mix and socialize with others.
As adults, we can appreciate that our relationships with others are one of the most important things in the world. You can be successful, have plenty of money and all of the material things that you want however nothing is as valuable as strong friendships, a good relationship, and a bond with your family. Helping children become social, friendly and empathetic at a young age puts them in a good position for making meaningful friendships and relationships later in life.

Help Them to Learn New Things
Learning new things is what life as a toddler is all about. One of the best things you can do is make learning fun. Encourage their curiosity and allow them to make mistakes. As parents, it’s tempting to want to wrap our kids up in bubble wrap, but protecting them from failure isn’t something that’s helpful to them. Whether it’s tying their shoes or learning a new game, give them guidance when they need it but allow them to try for themselves. When they eventually do overcome something, it is incredibly rewarding after failing a few times. Show them how and then take a step back. Offer assistance if and when it’s needed. Otherwise, let them get out there and attempt whatever it is they’re doing.
You can help toddlers learn to dress and tie their own shoes, write their name, read simple words and learn things like shapes and colours. Teaching them appropriate communication skills such as not shouting indoors and respecting authority is vital in life. Kids will have natural curiosities and interests towards certain things, whether it’s a certain sport, baking or being outdoors. Roll with it and allow them to explore it as much as possible. Having as much knowledge about the world as possible and knowing how to act in different environments will benefit them massively. Even when your child is at school full time, there are lots of ways we can teach them life skills and things that they simply can’t get from books alone.
There is certainly lots to think about as my baby is about to transition into toddlerhood. It’s the first step in many towards maturity. As a parent, we strive to do our best to help our children get to that point of independence. I hope these tips were helpful to you as they were to me!
How was the transition from baby to toddler for you? What did you do to help your child make the shift? Let me know below!
This post was a collaborative effort by George & Eunice