Best Toys for Newborn Babies

We want to share our favourite toys for newborn babies. Can you believe that Rosie has played with “toys” since she was a newborn? As a new parent, it was difficult for me to envision what “toys” a baby could play with. After all, all they do is eat, poop and sleep. I was surprised to find that she was a lot more attentive and playful than we expected. Babies need and benefit from mental stimulation at young age. They can’t grab and they can’t see much but at an early age they are drawn to high contrast visuals and different sounds. Fast forward to 3 months and she is already starting to grab, practicing tummy time, and experimenting with her voice.
I’m highlighting five toys that Rosie loved from ages 0-3 months. If you’re using this post for reference, keep in mind that Rosie is a preemie so her age developmental age is minus two months. However, I am writing with respect to her actual age. Here are her (and ours!) favourite toys for 3 month old babies:
Picture Cards

Since Rosie was in the NICU, she had simple black and white pictures taped on the sides of her bassinet. Although newborn vision is poor, they are able to see strong contrast at close distances. We have two sets of large cards with various patterns. Initially Rosie was hypnotized by the black and while patterns. We placed them in places she frequented such as in her crib or near the change table. We would also hold them above her so that she practiced tracking with her eyes.

It was a magical experience for ME to see Rosie’s eyes light up as she saw the mobile above her head. She would ooo and ahh and coo away at the hanging toys. Actually, her first real dynamic coos were towards her hanging sheep friends on her cradle. Something about this new perspective must really blow her mind.

Rosie has always loved rattles (and at 10 months she has not outgrown them yet). Naturally she was amused by the rattling sound. Initially we would shake them over her so that she could practice tracking the noise. Some of our rattles have very easy handholds so by three months she was able to wrap her fingers around them. Some of our rattles are transparent with bright colourful beads inside. Rosie loves to examine them (then and now!).

Rosie’s first hand held toy was a set of links. They are bright and colourful. They have different textures. They are super easy to grab. Rosie was a natural at playing with them! At this time she had already started trying to put stuff in her mouth (mostly mommy’s finger). These links are safe and fun to chew. We also like to hang them on her cradle mobile so that she can tug on them. A new perspective is always fun!
Kicking Mobiles or Activity Gyms

Rosie was always very attentive to the hanging toys on her activity gym. It was helpful to place them in different places such as above her head or at her chest (to practice looking up and down, strengthening those neck muscles). She also dominated at kicking the foot pedals to make music. Since her time in the NICU, her legs never stayed still anyway.
As I wrote this post, I realized that Rosie has played with most of these toys from practically birth until now (obviously with more complexity as she matures). If you need some ideas to entertain your newborn baby, I hope these toys for newborn babies suggestions are helpful! Also, check out our tips on playing with your newborn baby.
What toys for newborn babies do you love? What toys did your baby love? Let us know below!

One Comment
What a wonderful list of toys to stimulate and encourage little ones. Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!