10 Newborn Essentials Because Everything Else is Just a Luxury.

Here is a list of 10 newborn essentials for you. In a day and age where we tend to seek the most eye-catching, convenient and newest products, it’s easy for the cost to rack up. But I truly believe that having a baby does not have to be expensive.
A piece of advice for you: be open and grateful to receive second-hand items.
We were blessed to have inherited many second-hand items. Babies grow SO fast that purchasing new items is not practical most of the time. Don’t worry if the clothes are worn, the crib is scratched or the toys are out of date. DO make sure the stroller works well and the car seat has not reached its expiration date.
So keep focused.
Don’t let the flashy colours and latest styles at the mall fool you.

Here are 10 newborn essentials because everything else is just a luxury.
1. Bed
A convertible crib is probably your best bet. It will grow with your baby as she grows.
2. Change Pad
Get a change pad that can be securely fastened to a dresser of sorts (or treat yourself to a change table too). Either way, here are two things to keep in mind:
- The set-up is safe for your baby.
- The set-up is ergonomically friendly for you.
3. Diapers & Wipes
A baby’s gotta have her diapers and wipes. Diapers will likely be your biggest expense. It’s a great gift to ask for on your registry. Always look out for sales and stock up! We’ve never tried cloth diapers before but we considered it with our first baby. I remember doing the math and the cost for a cloth diaper service is quite similar to purchasing disposable diapers.

4. Clothes
7 onesies and 7 sleepers should be more than enough for your baby but it depends. My first baby went through them quickly with her poop explosions and spit ups. My second one is super clean. As I mentioned earlier, second-hand clothes will serve you well. They will outgrow everything SO fast.
5. Muslin Blankets/Receiving Blankets
These blankets are so incredibly versatile. They make great swaddles for newborns and blankets as your baby grows. They can be used as a nursing cover or a car seat cover too!
6. Baby Laundry Detergent
Baby skin is super sensitive so I never withhold splurging on a trusty laundry detergent.

7. Car Seat & Stroller
These are essentials if you’re planning on ever leaving the house. Take your time choosing these items. Figure out how to fold the stroller. Push it around to get a feel for it. Are you okay with how heavy the car seat is? You’ll be using these items often so make sure they work for you!
8. Toys
Keep it simple. Don’t go overboard. Get a few toys that have flashy lights, bright colours, easy grip and funky textures. Need some inspiration? Check out my top newborn toy recommendations and tips on how to play with newborn babies.
9. On-The-Go Changing Mat
Make sure you have a compact and convenient change mat to use when you’re out and about.

10. For The Mamas Who Aren’t Breastfeeding
If you aren’t breastfeeding, you’ll need to invest in some baby bottles that you can trust. Some mamas also choose to pump and then bottle feed. Whatever your circumstance, if you aren’t breastfeeding your baby directly, you’ll need to purchase accordingly!
Now just in case, you ARE looking to spend a little extra on your little angel, here is my list of top 10 convenient luxuries:
- Diaper Genie
- Baby Monitor
- Bassinet
- Baby Carrier
- Nursing Cover
- Diaper Bag
- Winter Car Seat Cover
- Baby Bath
- Bouncy Chair
- Mommy Hook
So there you have it – my list of newborn essentials AND newborn luxuries. Agree or disagree? Would there be anything you’d add to the list? I’d love to hear from you!