7 Tricks To Be Your Absolute Best On Your Wedding Day
Who wouldn’t want to be their absolute best on their wedding day? Here is a collaborative post featuring 7 tricks to be your absolute best on your wedding day:
1. Take Care Of Yourself In The Months Leading Up To Your Big Day
In the months leading up to your big day, make sure you are indulging in some serious self-care, both mentally and physically. Consider these ideas:
- Drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day
- Take your vitamins
- Get lots of sleep
- Have quiet time for yourself every day
- Focus on eating healthy whole foods
- Get into a good exercise routine
Do your best to keep up with these healthy tips. Over time they could even become enjoyable and even better, lead to some great lifelong habits.
2. Book Trial Runs For Hair And Makeup
Do NOT leave your hair and makeup up to chance on the big day. The wedding day should be peaceful and joyful, not hectic and frantic. You should be ecstatic as you celebrate with loved ones, not fretting about how you look. Spend that little extra and have at least one trial run to bring you that peace of mind. I didn’t book a trial run for my hair and makeup. Luckily, my hair turned out perfectly. But my makeup caused a few stressful moments that morning. Let’s just say different cultures have different understandings of what “simple” makeup means.

3. Hire A Photographer That Will Capture Your Best Side
You want to look your best in your pictures, right? Of course you do – they last forever! Look at photographers like Vittore Buzzi Photographer and browse portfolios to make sure they suit your style. Find a photographer that makes you feel like your most authentic self – are you comfortable around them? Do they understand you? For example, my hubby and I are clueless at “being candid” in front of the camera. Luckily, our photographers understood and were fantastic at helping us with poses.
4. Stand Up Straight And Smile
This is one of those small but significant things that can really dictate how you’re feeling throughout the big day! Watch your posture, making sure your shoulders are pulled back and your spine is in alignment. Remind yourself through the day. Also don’t forget to smile! You’ll go through the day looking more confident and joyful.
5. Keep Stress Under Control
Realistically, a wedding day is pretty chaotic. If you know you’re the type that might get super stressed, make sure you know ways to keep it under control. Deep breathing can be one of the most simple things to do to reduce stress. Other ideas like confiding in a bridesmaid or having a mantra (mine’s usually a Bible verse) are effective too!
6. Focus On The Little Details
Make time to focus on the little details that will bring you joy! Pamper yourself by treating your nails, whitening your teeth or getting a glowing and even tan, if that’s your thing. By all means, spend time on yourself and make yourself beautiful for your soon-to-be husband.

7. Get A Great Night’s Sleep
Finally, make a big effort to go to bed super early the night before. It will definitely be tough since you must be jittering with excitement. BUT getting at least 7 and a half hours will see you through the day! Do yourself the favour of resting up so that there are more happy rather than cranky moments to remember! My bridesmaids slept over that night before the wedding so you can imagine how we did NOT want to go to sleep easy. Luckily, my mom put her foot down and sent us all to bed at a reasonable time!
So there you have it! 7 tricks to be your absolute best on your wedding day. Would you add any to the list? Let us know below!
Also, check out our post on pursuing unity in marriage!